Psychologist Parul Khona provides counselling and therapy to people in Pune with issues in Anxiety, Stress, Depression and Anger Management.
Often enough, people have to deal with various issues, be it at work or at home. A lot of times these issues are difficult to deal with and therefore lead to problems such as Anxiety, Stress, Depression and Anger Management. Many a time these problems go unnoticed, but they can manifest in various ways. This could be in ways such as the lack of motivation to do anything, don’t know what to do with themselves and so on.
Using behavioral therapy, psychotherapy, and counselling, I help people going through such issues tackle them in a productive and efficient manner. I provide them with problem solving techniques and help them develop a creative interest in life as well as an overall spiritual growth.
For Appointment, Call 98230-75357 | Monday to Saturday | Between 11:00 am to 6:30 pm
Pre-Marriage & Marriage Counselling
Marriage is one of the most important events in someones life. It may sound like a long lasting road to happiness; however, it isn’t as simple as that. As a client once told me “When I got married, I was looking for an ideal, but I married an ordeal and now I want a new deal.”
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Tackling Fears and Phobias
Almost everyone has something that they are scared of such as water, heights, intimacy, low self-esteem, animals, public speaking, crowded places, and relationships to name a few. Often enough these fears/phobias in reality pose no actual threat, but they can become so severe and can cause extreme anxiety.
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Family & Joint Family Conflicts
Family is the most important aspect of our lives and having a strong relationship with your parents, siblings and so on is extremely beneficial to a happy life. However, every family has its fair share of issues and sometimes if these issues are not addressed, they can lead to larger and bitterer conflicts.
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Parent-Child Teenage Issues
Children are a source of joy in everyone’s life but parenting is never an easy task and bringing up kids is quite tough. The psychological well-being and growth of child is extremely important as this will only help them make better decisions as adults.
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Dealing with Emotional Disorders such as Anxiety, Stress, Anger & Depression
Often enough, people have to deal with various issues, be it at work or at home. A lot of times these issues are difficult to deal with and therefore lead to problems such as stress, anxiety, anger and depression.
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Psychological Problems
Psychological problems can be caused due to a variety of issues and are often ignored. People often go to doctors for physical ailments, but not for mental help. Issues such as OCD, Bipolar disorder, personality disorders are often ignored.
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